Category: health

How hard should you work as a doctor?

How hard should you work as a doctor?

I can’t think of too many white collared jobs that rival the intensity and duration of work endured by doctors.  Sure, there are plenty of physically and mentally demanding occupations out there, but what other job involves handling the livelihood of others, triaging life-threatening events, and multi-tasking multitudes of time-sensitive matters?

The work of a lawn maintenance guy.

Take, for instance, the duties of “just” a lawn irrigation serviceman. Let’s say the lawn guy is tasked with installing a drip irrigation system in a lawn.  This is an extremely labor-intensive process.  A general overview is that supply lines have to be placed, individual irrigation lines have to be delivered to the plants, the valves tested, lines buried, and landscaping created to make the lawn aesthetically pleasing.  Even more labor intensive is searching the lines to identify any leaks in the lines after they’ve been buried! Combine this work with the scorching summer heat, and you’ve got yourself one strenuous job.

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Rinse and repeat. Let’s say you and your crew of three guys repair and install new irrigation every day, five to six days a week. Fifty weeks a year.  You’ve got yourself a pretty strenuous and repetitive schedule. Plenty of people do it. It pays the bills, and it is hard work.

Falling asleep in front of your computer is probably okay but not in the operating room during a surgery!

The work of a corporate finance guru. 

The finance industry works hard. I would consider finance bankers, analysts, associates, or whatever title they may have to be the grunt workers of the white-collared world.  Think 80+ hour weeks for projects, presentations galore, and meetings to consume your life.  Many financial analysts I know party hard too. Extreme vacations and sports in the limited downtime they may have.  Some of these guys get smart and save up a financial nut like Sam from Financial Samurai.  Others just spend it on an expensive lifestyle. Many of these people don’t last in their industry.  After they move up the ranks, they either transition out of the industry altogether or just move into a more administrative role.

Sure, I’m biased, but why do people in the this industry eventually leave? The guys that I know who are in their first five years of financial banking tell me they love the challenge, hard work, and helping improve our economy and quality of lives. Huh?

The work of doctors.

Yes, I’m a doctor, but I do think that our line of work is genuinely gratifying.  Take away all of that administrative B.S., healthcare regulations, and management issues of any workplace, and you’ve got a profession that is out there to do some good. Look at the Hippocratic oath. I don’t know of any other profession that makes you swear by such a statement.

You might also like: How to identify physician burnout.

You might also like: Why doctors need a four-day workweek.


I know doctors who spend six days a week working to care for their patients.  Some of them take only two weeks of vacation per year.  Some others work either three to four days a week.  Some others take twelve weeks of vacation.  There is amazing flexibility in medicine—you just have to make a decision to what is most important to you.

Is the the money?

Is it the lifestyle?

Do you want to work 70 hours a week, take only two weeks of vacation per year, and make $1 million a year? Some of us don’t have the luxury of titrating our work-money-lifestyle balance due to the nature of our work, but this is a subject that I’ve been contemplating for a long time.  Given the intensity of our line of work, there has to be a breaking point.

I once had a patient who was in the truck driving industry for thirty five years.  He ended up getting placed on dialysis because his kidneys shut down after going for so many years in an occupation that didn’t necessarily allow for bathroom breaks!

Another one of my patients was a construction worker for twenty years, but ended up getting on disability not because of an injury, but simply because his joints broke down after many years on the job.

At what point will you draw the line on balancing your work, money, and health?

(Photo courtesy of Flickr)

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The Marginal Utility of Saving – When is it not worth it?

marginal utility of happinessI’m sure that we’ve all encountered scenarios where we go out of our way to either save money or get a better deal. I’ve certainly had to decide between waiting in a two-hour line to purchase train tickets with credit card versus using a machine that only takes cash (I used the machine).

Likewise, I came across the discount bakery aisle at the local grocery store yesterday. A box of day-old twelve donuts were discounted to $2. In contrast, a normally priced donut was 60c apiece.

That’s right. These are the first-world problems that I have to deal with! I could either get a dozen day-old donuts for approximately the same price as three fresh donuts!

How much happiness would I have with a dozen partially stale donuts versus three fresh ones? For me, the marginal happiness I experience is simply having ONE donut. I would be happy having one donut, saving the calories, and be done with it.

Which option did I eventually choose?

I bought the dozen discounted donuts!


Arguably I could have done without the extra calories, but I also had extra mouths to feed.

What would you have done in this situation?


Happy July 4th to everyone!

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(Photo courtesy of Flickr)

Occupational injuries among doctors are more common than we realize

occupational injuries among doctors are commonSuccess in our careers can be defined by a number of criteria. Two of the most important qualifiers in my book include both financial and physical/mental health. After all, your pool of money serves you no good if you are not healthy enough to enjoy it. Interestingly, I came across an article published in the 2010 issue of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons that surveyed health of surgeons. One of the key findings was that 86.9% of respondents reported symptoms of physical discomfort! The group of oncologic surgeons surveyed stated that the bulk of the physical ailments come from cervical spine pain, musculoskeletal fatigue, and vertebral disc injuries.


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This is a frightening finding that is unfortunately true and common. After a long day at work, I come home with various aches and pains. As doctors, we all are subjected to repetitive tasks whether it is operating on patients, clicking through the electronic health records, or simply examining patients. We are all subjected to higher volumes of patients as reimbursement levels decline. I think the stress of our workplace contributes to the physical ailments we experience.


How to reduce the likelihood of injury

The best way to insure your health for the future is to prevent injury. I keep a handwritten list of reminders at my office to help me step back and reassess what I need to focus on, especially during a tough day:

  1. Don’t forget to breathe. This means that no matter how chaotic your workday is, make time for yourself. Take that extra 3-5 minutes to go to the restroom, eat your breakfast, and find sanity. The sky will not fall if you take care of yourself first. If you are ill, then you won’t be able to care for others.
  2. Meditate. Yoga and meditation exercises are great to clear your mind. Sometimes you need that extra 10 minutes in the evening to unwind, clear your mind, and reset. It doesn’t hurt to pause.
  3. Make time to stretch and exercise.  Repetitive task-related injuries are most common in the workplace. The best way to prevent these is to reduce the repetitiveness. Stretch. Strengthen your core.
  4. Improve your core strength. The stronger your central muscles are, the less likely you will become injured. Moreover, the stronger you are, the faster you will likely recover from injury.
  5. Find a balance between work and relaxation. If you are a surgeon, limit the number of surgeries that you perform in a reasonable manner. If you are employed by a large corporation, make sure that you have the appropriate negotiation strategy to justify your worth. If you are self-employed, ask yourself how much money is worth it to you. Is it worth risking your well-being to perform an extra few appendectomies? Don’t be so sure.

What other strategies do you employ to maintain your mental and physical health?

(Photo courtesy of Flickr)

Your Waist Grows Along With The Size Of Your Wallet

Most of us have gone through our lives eating microwaved instant noodles at some point, whether in college or later in our careers. Doing so was an exercise in convenience and frugality—how else can you possibly pack in so much sodium and fat in such an inexpensive package? I remember being able to buy 10-packs of instant noodles for $1 at Big Lots years ago, and boy did I take advantage of those sales.

Unfortunately our experience with compromising health with convenience with frugality puts us at a disadvantage. The fact that we were ever willing to consume something that is undoubtedly unhealthy suggests that we are likely to do so again in the future. Wait a second, how is that argument valid you ask? It is human nature that we fall back onto our habits, especially if we are at times of stress. I’ve done it. I see plenty of Hospitalists, Surgeons, and Radiologists do it. The dozen or so of my colleagues who I’ve inquired about eating “junk food” admit that they did it in their younger years. The few that don’t interestingly did not ever do so in childhood either. They all actually had either private chefs growing up or ate organic foods even twenty years ago.

Your Likelihood of Eating Unhealthy Foods Will Go Up

Doctor lifestyles are notorious for allowing us to consume garbage. Many of our clinic days are packed to the rim and encroach into our lunchtime. By the time the morning clinic ends, we are starting our afternoon clinics. What do we do for sustenance? How about the bag of chips that came with the sandwich we ordered from the deli? Hell, it’s questionable whether that turkey-avocado wrap at the deli is even healthy (read: high salt and low fiber).

Do we eat healthier at home then? That’s debatable as well. In a two-person working household with two kids, there is little time to take care of anything in the house, let alone meals. How about take out pizza, fast-food, or fried chicken? These are filling to you stomach as well as your arteries. 

Do you think that you’d eat healthier when you are at a conference, meeting, or even family vacation? I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen a conference dinner meeting held at a salad bar. Think steakhouses, Italian pasta houses, and seafood. Guess what? You can actually afford to eat at these places!

You Are The Only One Who Can Direct Your Health

At this point in your career, you have all of the reasons to get out of shape: long work hours limiting exercise, plentiful conferences with opportunities to expand your waist, and busy work days conducive to unhealthy eating.  

As difficult as it sounds to the patient when his doctor tells him to lose weight and cut back on sweets, it is equally challenging for us to do the same. It is easy for us to come up with excuses not to stay healthy, but it is the best thing that we can do for our patients. Ironically what I have found to work for me is what many of the self-proclaimed “help gurus” suggest: gradual lifestyle modification.

Try it out yourself. Can you go to sleep 30 minutes earlier every evening to get more rest? How about allocating 10 minutes of your day to walking? After you achieve your mini-victories, move on to bigger goals. Stay persistent, and stay hungry.

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