The most expensive floor mop you can buy – Norwex

norwex the most expensive swifferI recently purchased a home for the first time and have been dealing with the benefits and nightmares of home ownership. More on that in future posts. One aspect of ownership that I’ve come to realize over and over again is that you are more likely to take better care of something you own than something that you’re renting.
So true.
I was cleaning out the garage and came across a dirty floor mop. It looked like a Swiffer, except that the mop end appeared to be a reusable microfiber component. I’ve seen plenty of Swiffer knock-offs, and this one looked no different. In any case, the handle looked pretty sturdy, so I decided to keep it. The name of the company was Norwex. I looked online to see where to buy replacement cloths.
These floor mops are EXPENSIVE.
Expensive like $130 for a starter kit! You can’t even buy it at a store. You have to reach out to a design consultant to purchase it. Crazy. The refills were going for at least $20 for one microfiber cloth!
Is it any better than the average dust buster? We shall see. Have anyone in the audience ever used a Norwex?
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2 thoughts on “The most expensive floor mop you can buy – Norwex

  1. I imagine they are quality cleaning products, but most of the cost feeds the somewhat triangular shaped multilevel marketing plan. I despise MLM and the lame “parties” that reek of coercion to buy something you don’t want to maintain a friendship you don’t need.


    1. Yup. Another type of these MLM ploys comes from investment programs like “Lifestyles for the Rich”, where you pay an initiation fee to gain “access” into investing into “prescreened” real estate deals where you can’t possibly lose money. Will eventually have to write an article on that!

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